GMC raw gypsum quarry is distinguished by the application of a unique mining system due to the presence of dolomitic carbonate rocks between the layers of gypsum ore. This mining system allows the extraction of each layer of gypsum individually in order to obtain the highest quality of the ore.
A new raw gypsum quarry adjacent to our running quarry. Work has begun in the new quarry at the beginning of 2023, and several ore blasts have already been carried out and the raw gypsum has been transported to crushing plant at the current quarry site.
Employees of the Global Mining Company at the National Day celebrations of the Sultanate of Oman in November 2022.
Ministry of Oil and Gas chose the GMC quarry as an example to study the quarry’s production processes and costs. Accordingly, a delegation from the Institute visited GMC quarry during the month of June 2023.
Global Mining Company obtained the shield of the Sixth Fujairah Forum for the research presented by Eng./ Abd Elmonem Selim, Feb. 2018
Al Fujairah Mining International Forum which was held on 26-28 September 2023.
The available stock yard in the site of GMC given good chance for collecting a big stock for all raw gypsum sizes.
The crushing plant of GMC is designed to give a high products of quality for all sizes. Also, it is easy for make modification of screens for getting any required size according to the demands of the customers.